Monday, August 21, 2006


Stamp Me, PLEASE !

How many times did you go through these doors?? Many walked in, but danced out. That is my Aunt Doris, (Ed's wife & Mom's sister) and their brother, Lon, at the front counter. Doris would take your three quarters, hang up your coat in the coat room behind her, stamp your hand with that invisible ink stuff, and tell you to have a good time. Lon, who was in his 30's then was just there to present an 'adult supervison' appearance.
My younger brother Mark, who was about 9 then, is the short one leaning on the counter blocking the view of the black light lamp you had to put your hand under to get back in if you went out side to cool off (or whatever......). The office (where the police took you if you got into trouble) is just across the isle. You can barely see the door frame. I know a number of fellows that spent a considerable amount of time in there.

If you were one of the SOC HOPpers that went to 'the barn' you will remember this sight. Literally thousands passed through these doors. Once you got in this far, the rest of it was a cakewalk.

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