Friday, September 28, 2007


What A Year !

Well, it's been quite a year. This has been just so much fun. Starting with the Soc Hop Reinvented at Knuckleheads on August 31st, 2006 right on through Jam Night with The Silver Tones at Marty's Blues Cafe on September 12, 2007, it has been a time I would have never dreamed possible, though over the last 40 years I have often dreamt of it. Well, it has indeed been a dream come true for me and I have greatly enjoyed my reconnection with all of those who have been involved. I have seen more old friends and made more posts to this blog than I would have imagined likely, and it has indeed been fun, and I hope to continue doing both, though I may not be able to keep up the constant pace of it all. I have recently joined the Kansas City Blues Society and hope to become an active member of this great organization which is nationally recognized for 'keeping the blues alive in KC'. Future posts here, as well as the newsletter that I email out, may include recomendations and reviews of local events other than just The Silver Tones, who will always remain dear to my heart. For a schedule of The Silver Tones play dates you can always check in at . Also, as the last few posts indicate, I have become somewhat of a regular at Marty's Blues Cafe. Marty is a great guy trying to do a great thing, and if you haven't been yet, you ought to go. The food is good and the music is always great. It's a cozy atmosphere and for me, it's close to home, which makes it really convenient. Maybe I'll see you there. The next few posts are going to be a recap of pictures of both the old and the new SOC HOP, and will include some newly found pictures of both places that I came across while sorting through my Dad's stuff. Till then....MW

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